
The Luxelakes Art Expo Center

While all the early planning efforts trying to save the original scenery failed or semi failed, there stands one very building, which could remind our descendants what was the geological and cultural past before the invading of urbanization, the Luxelakes Art Expo Center.

Abundant information was absorbed, filtered, and finally precipitated into these factors: rolling hills, magenta sandstone, water and the mighty towers of a Qiang village. A seed has been buried into the soil in the site. 

In order to express the integration of architecture and environment,Frame provides designers with a variety of choices in material selection, from the color, line and texture of the surface to the sense of touch, presenting a realistic effect.
Architects: Antoine Predock.

Usage position: ceiling board,furniture, curtain wall.

Materials Utilized: GRC/UHPC


The Luxelakes Art Expo Center

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